Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Strange Case of the End of Degree Seminar Presentation

[Strange as in unfamiliar. The seminar presentation format was what you might consider standard.]

I was invited by some friends to their seminar presentations at the University of Birzeit. To graduate from Birzeit, you have to complete a seminar (all other courses are lecture or lab-based) and to fulfill the seminar requirements, you have to present a 15-20 minute presentation based on original research at the end of the term. When I was an undergrad we had to do presentations frequently. Here, they only do one, and boy do they take it seriously.

Firstly, everyone dresses up in a suit or smart dress to present their work. Secondly, some people invite their entire family to watch. Thirdly, nearly everyone else at the university who is known to the presenter is invited, even though the classroom may only (read: probably) seat 30 people. Fourthly, the entire event is filmed/photographed as though someone were getting married. Fifthly, at the conclusion of the presentation, everyone celebrates as though someone just got married. Flowers (and occasionally cuddly toys) are given to the presenter, chocolates and sweets are handed to everyone who attended, and in the most extreme cases, presenters walk ceremoniously around campus with all their friends singing and clapping. It's basically a pre-graduation, graduation party.

And every person who graduates Birzeit has to do this!
(Although not everyone goes to such extremes!)

I went to another friend's seminar today, who is studying English. Hence the presentations were all in English. Something I didn't realise yesterday, was that at the end of each presentation, the presenters make an Oscar like thank you speech. Another guy who I also know, had to bite back the tears as he thanked Allah, the 'two candles in his life' (mum and dad), his professor, his friends and everyone at the university of Birzeit.

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