Monday, May 15, 2006


So the reason for no memorializations a couple of weeks ago - the Palestinians in the West Bank don't mourn the Nakba until today. (It was the Palestinians inside Israel who commemorate the event when the Hebrew calendar marks Israel's independence). On the BZU campus, which I was visiting today (see next paragraph), there were a couple of tents representing the many camps where Palestinians still live (although no longer in tents).

There was also a big trade fair at BZU, promoting Palestinian products and supporting a boycott of Israeli ones. I don't know if a full boycott is possible here, simply because Israel controls everything going in and out of Palestine, but I'm sure the conscious raising efforts are worthwhile. Having said that, there was one stand promoting Coca Cola products. I can only assume this is because there is a bottling factory in Ramallah?!?

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