Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Quiet Days, Noisy Nights

I've been busy with a few pieces of writing over the last couple of days, and I'm also trying to get my research kick-started which (like many things in Palestine) has been taking a while to do.
One of the pieces I'm writing is about the political events here (elections, Gaza pullout), so if any readers would like to share their view of these events from wherever you are in the world then it will be greatly appreciated.
All this work means my priorities lie away from blogging, and hence the feverish daily updates you enjoyed during the election period are now officially at an end. From now on there will be less frequent updates, but hopefully more insight, especially into things the papers, etc aren't covering. (Actually, if anyone has any questions about all things Palestinian/suggestions for features, feel free to leave them in the comments sections).
The noisy nights refers to the local population of dogs, who for some reason always begin howling contests in the middle of the night when everyone has gone to bed. In fact I think there is almost an entirely separate 'dog village' overlaying the one which humans inhabit, which would be fascinating to study in its own right. Most dogs seem to be allowed to roam freely, saving their owners the trouble of walking them. The dogs therefore roam in packs when everyone else has gone to bed. It's ironic that under occupation, Palestinians are often treated as though they were animals that need to be caged, and yet the actual animal population here is far less encumbered than elsewhere in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it when you write about the everyday things like dogs barking than macro-level political issues. Everyone writes about the latter. No one tackles dogs.